Mobile Money
Intergrated paymnets accross All mobile money Channels
Credit cards
Credit card payments for major providers
Online payments via paypal.
Online banking
We cover major mobile banking providers in Kenya
HydroIQ Snap
Remove all the human error in 3 steps. Scan, snap and bill.
HydroIQ Snap
SNAP & BILL removes all human errors, powered by computer vision technology to take & validate readings for you.
HydroIQ SmartGrid
Turn all your water network into a smart water grid
HydroIQ SmartGrid
The most advanced IoT enabled Virtual water Network , with connected devices to monitor your entire water grid, powerful analytics, predictive maintenance for smart city projects.
HydroIQ Analytics
Real-time analytics from source to consumer
HydroIQ Analytics
All your water data in a single platform to monitor consumption trends, leakages, offer predictive analytics and insights to optimize water use .
HydroIQ Pay
Pay for your Bills in 2 steps. Scan & Pay
HydroIQ Pay
SCAN & PAY technology to get paid all your water bills, get smart notifications & powerful insights for better water management.